West Terrace Housing Project Twitter ‘Axis', Lot #4IA Lower Estate, St. Michael Tel: (246) 417-2200. APPLICATION FOR HOUSING UNITS AT WEST TERRACE, ST. JAMES Applicants ID #: * Date of Birth * Title * Mr. Ms. Miss. Mrs. Dr. Sir. Surname * Christian Name * Other Names Address: * email * Telephone Home * Cell * Work * Other Nationality * Marital Status * Occupation * Salary * Pay Period * Weekly Monthly Employer * Period of Employment * Years / Months * Years Months Co Applicant (Yes/No) * Yes No House Choice: Listing as at JUNE 20, 2024. Please be advised that lots are not held on behalf of prospective purchasers. All lots available for sale remain that way until confirmation of approved financing is received by the company. House Name * Ruby 790 Sq.ft Sapphire 925 Sq.ft Emerald 1,075 Sq.ft Pearl 1,088 Sq.ft Pearl Plus 1,088 Sq.ft Topaz 1,213 Sq.ft Topaz Plus 1,344 Sq.ft None Select a House Name Consent * I agree that I have checked the above information and it is correct. I also consent to the privacy, terms of use and cookie policies.